The glass is half full, right?

I’m not really sure I have anything interesting to talk about right now.

I mean. my usual go-to’s (traffic and the weather) just feel a bid over-played and I can’t bring myself to bitch about either one.

The semester is winding down, although you wouldn’t know it from my workload. Three big projects are dangling in front of me and none of them are gathering the momentum they should.

Also, I am as yet internshipless. I need to be internshipful. I’ve applied to three so far and have been rejected by two, and am waiting to hear on a third. And the third is the one I really want. I believe the person who is making the hiring decision may be speaking to my class on Tuesday, so perhaps I’ll learn more then.

All I know now is I really have to buckle down with the school work and get this semester behind me.

But for now, I have a wife to go on a dinner date with, some friends to host for some final four viewing tomorrow, and probably a bacon egg and cheese sandwich or two to eat this weekend.

In all, life’s not so bad.

Snow-gitation and Nerd Weekends

It’s fucking snowing again here in fucking Vermont. I was under the impression that it is, in fact, Spring and that (as such) any and all snow should cease from falling and should melt from the ground as early as is convenient.


But it’s fucking snowing again in fucking Vermont.

I don’t think today will amount to much, but it’s the principle of the thing. I’m ready for green grass and blue skies. Not dirty grey on greyer-still.

Maybe I’m just pissy because there’s only a month left in the semester and I don’t feel like that’s enough time. I have two large papers to write along with a handful of medium-size assignments and right now I’m not sure how it’s all going to get done.

But here’s what I do know. My wife is out of town and I just got a new season of Battlestar Galactica DVDs.   That’s right…..

Nerd Weekend! Nerd Weekend! Nerd Weekend! 

The bird is the word. (Another word? Motherfucker.)

I got flicked off this morning.

Happy Tuesday to me, huh?

In the shadow of the football stadium, there’s a little side road that I sometimes use to do an end-run around Russell street on those days that Russell is looking particularly cloggity. There’s a stadium parking lot to one side and so, half way down the street, there’s a cross walk for fans to use while walking to or from the game.

On game day, I’d imagine there’s constant pedestrian traffic and a driver would have to stop to let the people pass.

However. There is no stop sign. There are also, at 8:20 in the morning, no pedestrians present. Anywhere in view. At all. In the absence of a stop sign and pedestrians the crosswalk goes from being a crosswalk to just lines on the pavement.

The road has two lanes, both going south. This morning, I was following a very slow truck down the little side street. We were in the left lane. I decided 10 just wasn’t my speed, so I got in to the right lane to pass the truck. I slid over and found myself behind a maroon sedan. As we approached the cross walk, the truck slowed down to stop. Why, I don’t know. Maybe he thought he had to. Maybe he was lost and was pulling over to look at a map. The maroon sedan in front of me must have figured there was a stop sign and slammed on its brakes. I had to stop too, coming a little closer to the sedan’s bumper than I would have liked.

And we sat there. I checked (I had time); there were indeed no stop signs. There were no pedestrians. We were just sitting there at a non-stop sign waiting for the imaginary football fans to pass I guess.

So I honked.

And her middle finger shot in the air.

We pulled up next to eachother at the end of the street. Me turning left, she turning right. I looked at her. “Fuck you asshole,” she said. “Not a stop sign,” I mouthed.

And then we both smiled and laughed. Got out of our cars and hugged and had a good chuckle over the whole thing.

No, not really.

She yelled “motherfucker”, flicked me off again and peeled wheels.

Don’t get me wrong, I hate getting honked at. But my brain is wired in such a way that if I get honked at, my first thoughts involve figuring out what I’m doing wrong and not finding the honker and overwhelming them with my middle finger of hate.

It wasn’t a long beep and the Civic’s horn is not what I’d call intimidating. It was, I thought, a “hey, let’s get moving again” beep.

To which, I suppose, the only rationall response is the bird. Motherfucker.