In which I go a little nuts with bullet-pointed lists

This wasn’t so bad of a week.

On Tuesday I found out that I got the internship I wanted, which is great for three reasons:

  • I have an internship and will fulfill that portion of my degree requirements thus bringing me that much closer to the Master’s.
  • The internship I wanted is in Vermont, which means that I won’t have to leave for the summer which means that Emily and I can run around and play in our new state in the summer time and all our loved ones can come and visit and all will be right with the world.
  • I. get. paid. (Objectively, not a huge sum of money, but subjectively anything higher than my current wage of zero dollars an hour will feel like a fortune.)

I’m still a little jumpy about it, because even though I know I’ve been hired, I don’t have much in the way of specifics. I know generally what I’ll be doing, but I don’t know where or what the start date will be or what a typical day will look like yet.

And, as we all know, “not knowing” is my least favorite way to feel.

So I’m happy about that, but still a little apprehensive at the same time.

Other than that, I have three big assignments hanging over me:

  • A continuation of a paper I wrote earlier in the semester about the history of railroad grade crossings. (This one will be specific to their age of automation – the 2nd half of the 19th century.)
  • A portion of the nomination form for a property whose owners want it on the National Register.
  • A 20 page report (with 15 minute presentation) on my spring break research trip.
    • This is the big one. It scares me.
      • A lot.

So that’s where I’m at. Good times, and I’m happy. But also slightly scared.

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