Good. Bad. Scary.


It’s been hard to find my way here lately. Alot’s been going on. Some of it good, some of it bad, and some of it scary. The sum of all that though is the fact that I’ve just been mentally…umm…busy for the last few days.

The weekend was pretty fun. Friday after work we went over to Ben’s house for a little BBQin’, a little boozin’, and a little socializin’. Me a few new people, got to talk about sailing (which I rarely get to do), and ate a burger. (and by “a” I really mean “two”. Ok, fine, and an italian sausage too)

Saturday Emily and I went to the stationary store and ordered our wedding invitations. After, we drove to DC to visit some friends. Good times were had by all. 7 bottles of good times.

Sunday, said friends took us to the Udvar-Hazy annex to the Air & Space museum out at Dulles Airport. –Awesome– So many cool planes and so much aeronautical geeking out to do. I was able to throw out a few key tidbits about a few of the displays and further cemented my reputation of “that guy that knows a little bit about a ton of different things”. You know, just the way I like it.

Sunday evening came and went. And then it was back to work.

And work, big surprise, has been sucking lately. It hasn’t been as bad this week as it was the last 2, but still. Some days I feel like I can really see the thin line between sanity and you know, not. My job, quite honestly, sometimes pushes me right up to that line.

So there’s that. And then there’s Mom.

Mom felt under the weather on Saturday. Mom called me on monday to tell me that she spent all day Sunday in the ER. Mom has all the symptoms of meningits, but none of the viruses or bacteria that cause it. Mom has had headaches so blindingly bad that, earlier in the week, she was hallucinating. And the doctors don’t know why.

She goes in for more tests tomorrow and can now, at least, keep food down and isn’t sensitive to light or noise anymore. But the headaches and neck pain are still there. And the doctors don’t know why.

This weekend is our fam’s beach weekend. Mom has doctor’s visits to stay home for. Stepdad is staying home with Mom. G’Ma is tired from lots of activity lately; she’s staying home too. So it’ll just be the “kids”. Me and Em. Sister and broInLaw. Law and Order. (cousin is a lawyer and her husband is a cop). Cousin Pete. And it’ll be fun. It’ll be awesome, in fact. Just us yung’uns cursing and being sloppy, and staying up late.

But it’ll be weird because Mom won’t be there. She’ll be home; laying in bed and feeling like hell. And the doctors don’t know why.

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