Hey, thenerdhut.com! Generate your own content. Stop stealing mine!

I am forced to conclude that the owners of www.thenerdhut.com are shady and don’t have original ideas of their own.

Hello dear nerdhut readers (both of you). I’m writing this in the hopes that I will see it pop up on the front page of a site that is reposting all my content without my permission and despite my requests for them to stop and remove all NerdHut-related posts from their site.

Someone out there has registered www.thenerdhut.com and are using it to repost mine (and other’s) original content. Now, we live in an age of aggregator blogs, and I would have been fine if thenerdhut.com had asked my permission to repost and had not ignored my take-down requests. But they seem to be unreceptive, so here we are.

The only real nerdhut is this one. Accept no substitutes.

3 thoughts on “Hey, thenerdhut.com! Generate your own content. Stop stealing mine!

  1. Oh no, I’ll keep posting. I’m just trying to convince the other guy to go away.

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