
I hate mission statements.

They don’t provide vision. They don’t map strategy. No matter what fancy words are used, they all boil down to the same message. ‘We’re going to be the best at what we do’. Well, duh.

There will be no mission statement here. There will be no synergy, nothing value-added, nothing leveraged. Here, at the beginning, there is only me and my words.


This is, and will be, the story of a life. Of a boy and the girl who loves him. It will be told from the boy’s perspective because, well, it’s his website. And he’s kind of vain like that.

The story started long ago. It twisted and turned, as stories do. Charcters came and went, fortunes rose and fell. Friends were made; so were enemies. It was, and continues to be no spicier a story than anyone else could tell. But it is his story, and the whole point of being here is to tell it.

It might not come in order. Scratch that: it definitely won’t come in order. It’s going to start somewhere in the middle. It’ll jump backward from time to time. It might make side trips, it might jump all over the place.

But here the story starts. Starts again, for the first time.

Having a hard time figuring me out? Hell, I’m having a hard time figuring me out. But here’s where I’ll do it. On the web, here I am.

And here I go…

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