Allow me to take a brief time out from the sunshine and daisies that normally grace this space and do a little complainin’.
I know; so unlike me.
Here’s the thing. It’s fine if you call me because someone told you I was an “expert” in something. But if you explain your issue to me and I apologize but assert that I am neither an expert in said realm of knowledge nor do I know who is, it is NOT fine for you to become exasperated and snippy with me. It is not ok to become “well, so-and-so seemed to think you’d have the answers” passive agressive on me.
Oh, and also, if you happen to be a member of the US Postal Service and are surly and unhelpful to me at the counter to the point where I begin to consider asking for my mail back and driving to another much more inconvenient post office just so I don’t have to deal with you, it is decidedly not ok to then try to sell me on “Chinese Year of the Pig” stamps or some such nonsense.
That is all.